
Aladin jallali naked
Aladin jallali naked

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Laura, Laura, Laura!!!! You not only have 167 gigantic ass flags being waved at you, you feel it internally. He is truly heartbroken over his mom leaving, and not in a "Gee I am a Man Baby Guy" it was real love between these two and he KNOWS she is walking into a shitshow. My heart literally broke for Liam tonight. I said someplace else I hated Aladin, now I hate Laura. Stay home with your dogs and son, you KNOW they love you. And stop with putting the word "married" in air quotes. Laura, you are heading into an extremely male dominated culture.

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(Either of them.) Like someone else said, these women who are all "I am gonna show THEM who is boss!!" need to stay home. I have a 21 year old son and it kinda broke my heart a little to see him crying at the airport. It was eye opening when her son said she has a temper and it will get her into trouble. She has enough coins to keep him in his sweet cold water apartment. She’s immature and selfish on top of being unattractive. Walking through the airport all red faced and sweaty in grubby clothes. Yes the son can be independent, but dogs are a lifetime commitment. I think Laura has a mean streak, and deserves the soaking she’s going to get. She’s leaving her son and dogs behind. He can take it back but only if he said it in the heat of passion. *Fun fact: Apparently a man can divorce a woman by simply saying "I divorce you" to her three times. If he controls her money then he might have enough for at least a second wife. If he controls the money and can ultimately control when and where she goes he may well be setting her up to be the breadwinner. I read one Google article and it was unclear as to who controls the finances in a marriage. I don't know how much financial power a husband has over his wife's assets and ability to travel. I'm also curious about the laws governing marriage is quatar. He doesn't care if she is sexually satisfied because that part of the relationship is going to dwindle until she's happy for whatever crumbs he deigns to give her. He is setting her up so that when he decides it's time to take another wife she will be so docile that she will simply consent and keep contributing money, cooking, cleaning, etc. There was a preview of someone saying he can have up to 4 wives. He basically said that whenever Laura reacts in a way he does not like (such as getting jealous of other women he is messaging) he simply blocks her until she gets back in line. OK, I'm apparently a little slow on the uptake because it took a while for what Aladin said while talking to his friend to sink in.

Aladin jallali naked