Skis were Rossignol Experience 83s at half term if it makes a difference I don’t really find this on short turns straight down the fall line and think this might be because I am loading the boot up really quickly here. Not so on the R boot on L turns and I find I’m losing the edge and getting a judder. I am making a conscious effort to get more knee flexion to complete the turns and it all seems very progressive on the L boot. I notice that my long carved turns work much better to the right than the left. My skiing has improved over the years and I’m becoming more sensitive to what is happening (and what isn’t).

They were super comfortable after the first week and I now clip them up at the top of the first lift and leave them like that all day. I have a pair of Salomon X-Wave 8s which were fitted by Profeet King’s Road around 5 years ago (I think) with custom footbeds but no other modification other than taking out the calf spoiler (don’t know why) and they have been skied around 75 days since then. Not sure if this is a technique question or an equipment problem so thought I’d start here as lots of the regulars seem to have more than a passing interest in kit as well! Anyone got a view on my chances of sorting out the folds in the overlap? Posted this earlier in "Bend ze knees" and got some feedback on the technique side. Anyway, snowHeads really is MUCH better when you're logged in - not least because you get to post your own messages complaining about things that annoy you like perhaps this banner which, incidentally, disappears when you log in :-) We don't share your email address with anyone and we never send out any of those cheesy 'message from our partners' emails either. It's rather good and not made up by tourist offices (or people that love the tourist office and want to marry it either).
#Salomon xwave 8 boots free
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